Skinvigor8’s Original Silicone Pads – We Have a New Website!

Hi Everyone, we’ve been in the process of transitioning over to our new website so a little tardy on the ole blog!  We still have a couple of things to tackle but on the whole we are pretty delighted with the way everything’s gone and quite excited about the look of our new site.  We are VERY open to feedback so if anyone wants to post any comments to let us know what you think, we’d be delighted to hear from you:).

We are in particular, really pleased with the way the before and after pictures have turned out  This arrangement was suggested by our IT people and we love that they are so effective.  All you need do is put your cursor on the little arrows to see the customers skin change from before and after – really gives a fantastic indication of what you can expect.

The before and after pics cover chest wrinkles, neck wrinkles, forehead wrinkles, crows feet & laughter lines; we’ve been asked for all over body suits but we figure they may be a little tricky to get into:)!

We have some more wonderful before and after pics to pop up soon so will be blogging about those in a couple of days.  A lovely lady asked us just recently if we would like her to do before and afters showing her experience with the Silcskin Pads – naturally we we said we’d be delighted:)!

On that note, if anybody considering using the Silcskin Pads for the first time would be interested in taking before and after pictures for us to use, we’d absolutely love it and by way of saying thanks, would be happy to offer a discount.  Just send us an email at to discuss.

So that’s all for today lovely people; hope your weekends have been / are quite gorgeous!  It was a beach n bbq day for us yesterday; absolutely stunning weather and have so much to be grateful for.


Take Care,

Sally @ Skinvigor8



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