Why Doesn’t Your Silicone Patch Last?  Because it’s a Copy – That’s Why! 

Why Doesn’t Your Silicone Patch Last?  Because it’s a Copy – That’s Why!

If you’ve heard all the hype about silicone patches and how wonderful they are at repairing and preventing wrinkles, but you’ve tried them and been thoroughly disappointed – there’s a reason for that!

Unless you are using Silcskin’s Silicone Patches – them you are using a copy product. 

Camille Calvet of Silcskin, invented the 100% medical grade silicone patches for wrinkle repair & prevention back in 2003. 

As a twice Emmy winning Hollywood Special Effects makeup artist, Camille worked extensively with silicone prosthetics on shows such as Star Trek & Kill Bill. 

Camille noticed her customers skin was much more supple having had the silicone prosthetics applied.  She then experienced first hand the healing benefits of silicone, after it was used on her thyroid cancer scar, post surgery.  Camille put these two ideas together and came up with the first ever silicone wrinkle repair pads.    

Silcskin’s wrinkle repair pads are manufactured from 100% medical grade silicone and are finished with a platinum curing process to remove any impurities. 

They are renowned globally for their quality, efficacy and longevity, and are noticeably superior to copy brands which simply do not last!

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